Maths Test 30 + 30 x 0 + 1 = ?

Maths Test 30 + 30 x 0 + 1 = ?

Answer: 31

It's much easy math problem! 
We will solve this by using D.M.A.S rule! 
In this question first we will solve muliplication term. 
So 30 x 0 = 0
So equation becomes 30 + 0 + 1 = 31


  1. what happened to 30+30=60 60x0=0 0+1=1 ?

    1. Kids today are taught so much more different than when I was in school. To me, the answer is 1

    2. No bc the rule is multiply or divide which ever comes first then add it subtract which ever comes first a.k.a. Pemdas or bemdas. U can't use 30(30*0)+1 bc that equals 1 but with no () u must follow the rule. 😊

  2. No honey order of operations that is the rule PEMDAS and since there are no parentheses or exponents, multiplication is first

  3. isn't it BEDMAS not PEMDAS?? never heard of PEMDAS :s

  4. BEDMAS and PEDMAS are the same. P for parentheses B for brackets

  5. Solve multiplication 1st la...the answer 31 is right...

  6. Addition subtraction multiplication and division are the same order of operations. The answer is one. Brackets and parentheses are the same whoever was talking about bedmas

    1. No it's not cause 1+1=2 1-1=0 1/1=1 1*1=1 it's not he same at all!!!! Pemdas is important u need this rule to get the correct answer which is 31

    2. WRONG!!!!
      Multiply/Divide first THEN you Add/Subtract

  7. It's actually really sad to see people unable to comprehend why the answer is 31. This is basic order of operations. I don't know what your ages are, but if you are above third grade this should make sense.

  8. ___+___+___=30

    1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15

    Can repeat same number .
    The answer is???

  9. __+__+__=30

    1, 3, 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15

    Can repeat same number

    The answer is??

  10. I read the comments under this link and got a kick out of how argumentative people got. I understand the frustration because since there are no parentheses, one would just want to work it out in order from left to right; however, that is NOT how it is taught in school. You follow PEMDAS .... which means do all the (P) parts that have Parentheses around them first; and then do all the (E) Exponent parts; and then do all the (M) Multiplication; and then do all the (D) Division; and then do all the (A) Addition; and then do all the (S) Subtraction.

    30 + 30 X 0 + 1 =
    30 + 0 + 1 =
    30 + 1 =


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