Google Instant Search Release

Google Instant has been released on 8th september 2010. A major upgarde to Google search was released by the company on Wednesday and it's called Google Instant. It  saves the average Google search time 2 to 5 second per query. It's a sort of new and improved search suggestion box.
From the first letter enterd in Google instant starts to display results and Google's Vice President of search and user experience, Marissa Mayer, said today at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, "We're actually predicting what query you're likely to do and we are giving you results for that." according to Claire Cain Miller over the New York Times.
Google instant works on modern browsers such as Google Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer 8 and Safari Browsers.
The Instant Search feature of google can be turned off, for those of us who don't always want a change. For those who are a little impatient including me the Google instant search can help us to find what we are looking for in just a seconds.So it is much quicker search.
My heartly thanks to Google to release it.
See how i search for WWE and result automatically comes in just 0.22 seconds.See in picture below.

What are your initial thoughts on Google instant? Have you tried using it yet? We're really interested to know what you think of the new search service so kindly leave your comments.


  1. I don't like it. As you suggest in your blog post, gOOgle's goal is to "suggest and anticipate" what the enduser seeks. gOOgle already does that. Already, you can have gOOgle adwords competitors advertising right on your page for the very product you sell. What advantage is that to the person paying good money to advertise their business on gOOgle. It is gOOgles so called "suggestion" of information that I do not like about google, and only use it sparingly.

    As it is, gOOgle is so large that they constantly suggest results I am not seeking. If an advertiser is willing to pay say a dollar per click or twenty cents per click, then the enduser can be misdirected for no more than money. This is not fair. Some of us do not want to be sent to a paid site at all, ever, and yet that is what gOOgle does a million times a minute.

    One absurd example is when you seek say a Lawyer but someone somewhere decides to pay to have you misdirected to his Christmas Tree Farm, for the right amount of money, gOOgle will do this.

    So for them to come out with this "new feature" of suggesting the end of my sentence, is ridiculous. One way I have found already to overcome this is to be more specific than even gOOGle algorithm can figure out. Instead of looking for Cicero Quotes, I type in: Marcus Arillius Cicero Roman Orator Quotes Regarding War and Peace, and of course "Instant Search" gives up well before it can finish my sentence for me....wink

    Have a great day, I blog at ProNetworkBuild

  2. @ Anonymous you are also saying right in some extent..we have a option to turn it off.. thanks for your reply..Have a great day too..!!


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